Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Breaking the Status Quo

Two unprecedented events happened within one week in Lebanon. The first was the Radio One's Jim Beam Rocks show hosting Blaakyum. It is definitely not the first time a Lebanese Metal band is interviewed on the Radio, but for the first time since at least the 90s Heavy Metal was played on a Lebanese Radio at PEAK TIME! We all remember the Dark Wave and Rock shows hosted on RML by Mr. Jyad El Murr and his efforts to keep a bit of Metal aired on the radio, but never was Metal aired on a peak time ever since the illegal rock stations were closed by the end of the 90s. So there we were between 7 and 8 pm a Radio peak time Heavy Metal was pouring out of Radio One, and it was not just any Metal it was purely Made In Lebanon. We thought as a band that they will only want to play the soft songs, for that I would have said: "Then why interviewing a Heavy Metal band?" but when we approached Maximus (the host), his reply was:"oh yea we will play Metal no problem". But Blaakyum was not the one who succeeded in being on air, definitely thanks to Radio One Lebanon and Jim Beam this happened, but what made this a milestone in the Lebanese Metal Scene was the amount of people who contacted Radio One during the show, Radio One has a Whatsapp number for people to contact the station, and the response was enormous. Both hosts Maximus and Stephany were impressed and told us that never have they received so much response while hosting a Lebanese band, the interview will be uploaded soon and you can hear that for yourselves.

 That was on the 25th of July, on the 2nd of August Blaakyum performed at Byblos international festival. Never before did an international Lebanese Festival approach a local Lebanese band… This is a step forward for the Lebanese Metal Scene to get the recognition it deserves, we are not noise, we are not marginal people, we are not drug addicts nor people of the occult, we are talented musicians and people with a peculiar taste in music, we are free thinkers, we question everything and this is reflected in our music… For this we need to thank Buzz Production, Byblos Festival organisers, Epica band and management, Radio One crew and management, and Jim Beam… Truly as is Jim Beam slogan, they are making History… We shall Rise with the Scene \m/ 


Anonymous said...

A bit pumpous aren't we? It's just an interview and a concert. Big deal.

Blaakyum said...

We would have replied to you, but you need to have the guts to put your name first.

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